zaterdag 1 april 2023

Shed Skin restricted-Python-to-C++ compiler 0.9.7

I have just released version 0.9.7 of Shed Skin, a restricted-Python-to-C++ compiler. The highlight of this release is native Windows support, by moving to CMake (and Conan). Shakeeb Alireza came up with this idea and did most of the implementation. So to build something on Windows, one doesn't need a weird emulation layer like MingW anymore, just Visual Studio build tools, CMake and Conan (popular tools that many will already have installed). He also made sure that most things work under OSX. Here is a screenshot of an (also) new DOOM-engine example running under windows:

With the recent Python 3 and now native Windows support (plus an ever growing Python community), I'm hoping the project will see more usage and feedback/contributions over the coming years. Please consider joining the project, as there is always enough to do!

Besides other contributions from Folkert van Heusden and Humhue, the release comes with many other improvements, such as support for relative imports, the walrus operator and struct.pack_{from, into}. See here for the full release notes.

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